Most Americans have begun to feel the impact of COVID-19. With school and business closures, widespread unemployment, travel restrictions, and many other challenges, this is a difficult time for almost everyone. If you have an elderly loved one living in a residential memory care community, there are many additional stressors and concerns. In this time like no other in recent history, your concerns might be very valid. According to all the news on the coronavirus to date, the elderly are clearly at greater risk than any other age group. During this crisis, there are no magic words that will alleviate stress and worry. All we can do is manage as best we can and work with whatever tools we have at our disposal.
While nobody was fully prepared for the current pandemic, the healthcare professionals at Iris Memory Care and comparable residential communities are trained to handle a wide range of health problems and risks. Since this crisis began, healthcare workers across the nation have risen to the occasion with shining stars. We are very grateful to their commitment and dedication to the welfare of others. Although nobody can make any guarantees about anyone’s health in the face of this virus, you can rest assured that our healthcare professionals are doing everything they can to ensure the safety of our residents.
What makes the current situation particularly challenging for loved ones is that residential communities like Iris have been forced to suspend visitation for the sake of the residents’ safety. However, at Iris Memory Care and most communities across the country, family members have begun visiting their loved ones by way of video conference. Virtual visits have proven to be very helpful to both residents and family members alike. There are other ways to continue to feel connected while visiting in person isn’t possible. Staying up to date on what’s going on in the community through phone calls and social media can be helpful. Also, exchanging photos, cards, flowers, and little gifts can be very therapeutic.
The most important thing any of us can do is to take care of ourselves and stay as safe as possible during this difficult time. We can all do our little part to slow the spread of COVID-19 by practicing social distancing and good hygiene. Minimize your own social interactions and trips to the store. If you feel that you might have been exposed to the virus or you’re experiencing any flu-like symptoms, get tested for COVID-19 right away. Doing our best to keep ourselves safe and healthy is probably the best thing we can do to help our loved ones. We’re all in this together.