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Commit to the Process of Getting Organized

Commit to the Process of Getting Organized

Commit to the Process of Getting Organized

Step 5 of Getting Your Loved One’s Affairs in Order

At this point, you have created a system of categories, prioritized them, and identified those in your network who can help you get your loved one’s affairs in order.  You’re off to a good start.  Now, the main challenge is to keep moving forward with the process.  It can be easy to let procrastination creep back in or get frustrated and feel like you want to quit.  It’s important to make a firm commitment to seeing the process through to the end.  As with most tasks, the only way it will ever get done is if you schedule and dedicate time to your organization project.  Block off time periodically on your calendar to work on it, schedule calls or face to face meetings with others involved, and keep track of your progress. 

With regards to the amount of time that you need to commit to getting organized, you’ll need to gauge that based on the size and scope of the problem and, of course, your availability.  Since you’re collaborating with others, you’ll also need to consider their time constraints and availability.  If you’re fairly tech-savvy, making use of a shared online calendar system should help everyone stay on the same page.  On the technology front, there are a variety of other platforms that could be very helpful in this process, such as file sharing programs, virtual to-do lists, and group chats.  While the frequency of your calls or meetings may vary depending on your specific situation, try to make at least a little time commitment each week.  If you go too long between sessions, it becomes too easy to lose focus.

Taking the time to track your progress is a great way to continue to feel good about what you’re doing and ward off any feelings of discouragement that might arise.  Whether it be on a simple note pad, an online message board, or an office-style white-board, keep a list of your categories with notes under each, indicating any progress you’ve made.  As you’re able to check things off the list, you’ll get a little boost of enthusiasm about getting closer to the finish line.
